

  1. 第一篇 神与人的关系
  2. 第二篇 借着吃主与神调和
  3. 第三篇 借着祷告与神调和
  4. 第四篇 借着祷告享受神
  5. 第五篇 借着读经享受神
  6. 第六篇 用灵读经吸取神
  7. 第七篇 神救恩的中心与目的

A Record of Several Talks in Tokyo

  1. The Difficulty of Being United with One Another
  2. The Ground of the Church and the Difficulty of Changing Christianity
  3. Our Testimony and the Proper Way to Read the Bible
  4. The History of the Local Churches in China and the Situation in Tokyo
  5. A Testimony of Leaving the Denominations
  6. The Difference between the Local Churches and Missions in the Matter of Work
  7. Being Delivered from Degraded Christianity and Taking the Way of the Church

A Record of Two Talks in New York City

  1. Lessons Learned in the Lord’s Recovery
  2. God Becoming Man’s Food, and Man Becoming God’s Food

God as Life to Man to Be Mingled with Man for His Expression

  1. God’s Eternal Purpose-to Gain an Expression of Himself
  2. Receiving God as Life ‘and Light in Order to Express Him
  3. Eating the Lord Jesus as the Tree of Life by Means of the Word and Prayer
  4. Paying the Price to Fulfill God’s Longing to Have a Dwelling Place

The Building of God’s Dwelling Place

  1. God and Man Being a Mutual Abode
  2. God Being Man’s Food
  3. God Being Mingled with Man to Be a Mutual Dwelling Place
  4. God’s Creation and God’s Building
  5. God Being Constituted into Man
  6. The Building of the Church
  7. The Lord’s Incarnation, Death, and Resurrection in the Gospel of John
  8. The Building of God’s Dwelling Place Requiring Eating, Growth, and Breaking
  9. The Oneness and Glory in John 17
  10. The Members Growing Up into the Head, Christ, and Manifesting Their Functions
  11. Six Crucial Points concerning the Revelation of the Church in Ephesians
  12. The Building Up of the Church Being Carried Out Locally
  13. The Characteristics of the Built-up Dwelling Place of God
  14. The Significance of the Breaking of Bread

A Record of Several Talks in Hong Kong

  1. Fellowship Following a Visit to Europe and the United States
  2. Needing to Emphasize Both Life and Training
  3. The Building of the Church
  4. Perfecting and Learning Needed for God’s Building


  1. 第一篇 神永远的心意乃是要建造一个家
  2. 第二篇 神所建造的家乃是神人调和而互为居所
  3. 第三篇 神的建造在于生命的长大
  4. 第四篇 神的建造叫人满有基督并叫基督得着安家
  5. 第五篇 神是要众圣徒同被建造
  6. 第六篇 神的建造乃是教会真实的需要
  7. 第七篇 教会被建造的光景
  8. 第八篇 教会被建造的光景(一续)
  9. 第九篇 教会被建造的光景(二续)
  10. 第十篇 教会建造实行的几个原则


  1. 第一篇 约翰的著作与神建造的关系
  2. 第二篇 主如何建造神的家
  3. 第三篇 主死而复活的建造
  4. 第四篇 主为着神人合一建造的祷告
  5. 第五篇 圣经中关于神建造的转弯
  6. 第六篇 信徒的去处
  7. 第七篇 成熟与建造
  8. 第八篇 成熟与建造(续)


  1. 第一篇 异象的必需
  2. 第二篇 建造与祝福
  3. 第三篇 建造与破碎(一)
  4. 第四篇 建造与破碎(二)
  5. 第五篇    建造与功用的显出
  6. 第六篇 在爱里建造
  7. 第七篇 召会的建造与区别的消除
  8. 第八篇 建造与奉献
  9. 第九篇 需要顾到神家的建造
  10. 第十篇 会幕建造的预表(一)
  11. 第十一篇 会幕建造的预表(二)
  12. 第十二篇 会幕建造的预表(三)
  13. 第十三篇 经历神作生命与被建造
  14. 第十四篇 爱的建造


  1. 第一篇   如何带领少年人